
People and Environment First


Taking Injustice Personally

“There is an existential moment in your life when you must decide to speak for yourself; when nobody else can speak for you”

With a stronger national presence, we’ll support more people especially the most vulnerable; the refugees and migrants to know, claim and enjoy their human rights. We’ll apply more pressure locally and nationally. We’ll move faster. We’ll work on a greater scale. We’ll focus on the issues most relevant to people’s lives. Our legitimacy will grow as we build a truly global movement, defending human rights for all. These are challenging times for justice and human rights. Inequality is rising. Conflicts, natural disasters, migration and battles over resources are leaving people vulnerable. And while more people are striving to get their voices heard, state authorities are responding by cracking down on human rights – often in the name of protecting public order.


“These goals outline how we will shift the way that human rights are fought for and achieved, engaging where we can and confronting where we must.”


To achieve lasting progress, we will ensure, we always:

  • Analyze why human rights abuses happen, guided by the people whose rights are violated
  • Identify the most effective ways to create change
  • Confront and expose states, corporations and institutions that violate rights
  • Act quickly and effectively to support prisoners of conscience and people facing injustice
  • Innovate to achieve the most powerful impact
  • Put women’s and children human rights, and gender equality at the heart of our work
  • Remain ready to change in the face of new challenges
  • Work with partners who share our determination
  • Support people to claim the human rights that we all share.

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1. Reclaiming freedom

A world in which everyone knows and can claim their rights

Across the globe, unaccountable and unethical leadership has triggered passionate protest – often led by young people via mobile phones and online. But as people push for greater involvement in decisions that affect their lives, attacks on peaceful protestors, journalists, human rights defenders and civil society organizations are growing. We must turn the tide in favour of fairness and justice. To do this, we will help communities to access the information and tools they need to claim their human rights – and to build societies that truly respect them.

We will work to create a world where:

People defending human rights are safe and supported by:

  • Highlighting and reducing attacks on human rights defenders
  • Providing training and new technology – especially to women and marginalized individuals
  • Supporting laws and policies that allow civil society to thrive
  • Tackling laws and policies that prevent people from defending human rights.

1. Reclaiming freedom

A world in which everyone knows and can claim their rights

Across the globe, unaccountable and unethical leadership has triggered passionate protest – often led by young people via mobile phones and online. But as people push for greater involvement in decisions that affect their lives, attacks on peaceful protestors, journalists, human rights defenders and civil society organizations are growing. We must turn the tide in favour of fairness and justice. To do this, we will help communities to access the information and tools they need to claim their human rights – and to build societies that truly respect them.

We will work to create a world where:

People defending human rights are safe and supported by:

  • Highlighting and reducing attacks on human rights defenders
  • Providing training and new technology – especially to women and marginalized individuals
  • Supporting laws and policies that allow civil society to thrive
  • Tackling laws and policies that prevent people from defending human rights.


young people – to defend human rights, starting in their communities.

People can claim their rights to speak out, organize and challenge injustice

We’ll do this by:

  • Tackling laws that prevent people from protesting on or expressing their views
  • Pushing for effective legal protections for whistle-blowers
    Ensuring surveillance measures meet human rights standards.
  • People know their rights and are empowered to claim them by:
  • Pushing for government action that ensures human rights education
    Empowering people – especially

2. Securing equal rights for all

A world in which human rights and justice are enjoyed without discrimination

Around the globe, millions of people face political, economic, cultural and social exclusion – often in spite of anti-discrimination laws.

Women have less economic and political power than men, even in countries where rights are well protected. Gender-based violence remains a huge problem. And for the many people who face multiple types of discrimination – for example, a combination of prejudice based on race, nationality, ethnicity, gender or sexuality – the impact can be particularly severe.

At Global Alliance for the Advancement of refugees and Migrants, our work is to fight for equality. And we will protect the rights of groups who are discriminated against on multiple grounds.

We will work to create a world where:

Progress is made towards equality based on race, nationality, gender, gender identity and sexuality We’ll do this by:

  • Campaigning for more effective laws to prevent xenophobia, sexual and gender discrimination
  • Supporting people who experience discrimination because of their race, nationality, gender, gender identity or sexuality to stand up for their rights and seek justice.

Discrimination, including violent discrimination, is reduced by:

  • Supporting people who face discrimination to speak out and seek justice
  • Working to reduce hate crime
  • Pushing governments to provide protection from violent discrimination
  • Ensuring that discrimination doesn’t affect criminal justice
  • Tackling laws, policies and organisations that discriminate
  • Supporting stronger national frameworks to promote equality.

More people can enjoy their economic, social and cultural rights by:

  • Giving people the tools, information and opportunities to demand their rights and hold decision-makers to account
  • Supporting people to access services that help them enjoy their rights
  • Pushing for stronger legal frameworks to protect economic, social and cultural rights
  • Supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

3. Responding to crises

A world in which people are protected during conflict and crises.

Every year, hundreds of thousands of people are killed during conflicts and crises, while millions more are left needing protection and support with tens of thousands seeking refuge in another country.

The widespread availability of weapons puts civilians at enormous risk. Regional and international bodies often fail to provide adequate protection. And perpetrators of war crimes and other violations frequently escape punishment.

We will continue to play a leading role in responding to conflicts and crises by pushing international institutions to act effectively, protecting people from the irresponsible arms trade and seeking to ensure that international borders are never closed to people who need aid or refuge.

We will work to create a world where:

4. Ensuring accountability

A world in which human rights abusers are held accountable.

Justice systems too often fail to deliver accountability – particularly for marginalized groups. When this happens, human rights treaties and laws become empty gestures.

So holding governments to account is critical, and persuading emerging powers to consistently support human rights has never been more important.

The challenges remain significant. Regional mechanisms are overstretched. The International Criminal Court faces difficulties. Abuses by non-state bodies, such as businesses, make the situation more complex. As do abuses by governments beyond their borders.

But we will continue to demand accountability focusing on change, at a national level while working regionally and internationally.

We will work to create a world where:

Regional and global human rights mechanisms are reinforced where national rights protection is failing

We’ll do this by:

  • Improving access to justice through regional rights systems
  • Strengthening international bodies to ensure accountability for the most serious human rights abuses.

Human rights governance and accountability are strengthened at a national level

We’ll do this by:

  • Pushing for national laws and standards that comply with international laws and standards – and deliver justice for everyone
  • Strengthening mechanisms for bringing perpetrators of international crimes to justice
  • Pushing for stronger protections against corporate human rights abuses
  • Persuading governments – especially of emerging powers – to promote human rights in foreign policy
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