Climate Action
Uganda has had mostly a tropical climate characterized by stable rainfall patterns. Over the years however, the effects of climate change have turned the seasons around with the country experiencing shorter or longer rains and harsher droughts – especially in the eastern and north-eastern Uganda. Observed annual rainfall totals for Uganda vary from 500 mm to 2800 mm, with an average of 1180 mm. Seasonal rainfall totals for Uganda are characterized by a bimodal cycle (two rainy seasons) in the south with higher rainfall during the rainy seasons (March-April-May) and (September-October-November). In the north a unimodal cycle (one rainy season) becomes more obvious with a longer single rainy season that extends across the seasons. The far north-east of Uganda, including Karamoja, receives little rain during all months of the year. Uganda’s observed averages in annual near-surface temperatures are around 21°C. Monthly temperatures range from a minimum of 15°C in July, to a maximum of 30°C in February. The highest temperatures are observed in the north, especially in the north-east, while lower temperatures occur in the south.
Climate projections developed for the country indicate an increase in near-surface temperature in the order of +2.5°C in the next few years. They also predict a decrease in total annual rainfall in most of the country, with slightly wetter conditions over the west and north-west. Rainfall totals will drop significantly over Lake Victoria (-20% from present). The decrease in rainfall in most parts of Uganda, combined with a significantly wetter seasons, will result in significantly drier conditions for the rest of the year (longer wet seasons that extend from September, October, November towards December-January-February). This is combined with significant temperature increases, especially during the March April May and June July August seasons. Overall, those changes will require a number of adaptation strategies to combat the resultant impacts including drought, floods, pests and diseases and loss of assets and livelihoods. It is already widely accepted that extreme weather events have been increasing and have been more severe in recent years. It is estimated that the risks are likely to increase in the near future in large parts of Uganda. The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) State of Environment Report (NEMA, 2019) estimates losses and damage to the tune in excess of US$60 million to crops, which is equal to about 4 per cent of the value of all cash and food crops in that year. Other extreme events have resulted in even bigger losses, possibly as much as 35% of the sector’s normal output.
Smart Cooking
With all the risks associated with changing climate trends, our smart cooking project is aimed at putting an end to tree cutting for firewood as fuel. We are convinced that much more focus must be placed on protecting the existing trees than it is put on planting new ones. Our Smart cooking program focuses on supporting high firewood consumers (organizations and institutions), including schools and hotels transition from firewood use to organic-waste made briquettes. We use locally available organic waste as our raw materials for briquettes making. Smart Cooking goal is to convert all schools and organizations in Eastern Uganda from firewood use to clean energy by 2030.
This project uses a 3-way approach;
1) Mobilization: We mobilize institutions and create awareness not only about the dangers of climate change and what role they are capable of playing in changing the trends, we also sensitize them on the available alternatives to firewood use as well as associated benefits.
2)Â Capital Financing: When we realise the need for financing, we provide the required capital to facilitate the construction of clean stoves that support use of briquettes. We as well offer support in improving the over all kitchen infrastructure. This is aimed at creating a conducive and more health cooking environment for the cooking staff.
3) Supply of briquettes: We have developed a reliable chain of supply for briquettes to ensure sufficiency at all times. We work with local communities to build reliable linkages for the production of briquettes. In partnership with our partners, we provide training and capital financing to entrepreneurs and enterprises venturing in briquette making and link them to organizations and institutions that require supply.
You can partner with us on this endeavor to mitigate the effects of climate change by contacting us on or by donating to support the cause
In Uganda, over the years, crop production and yields have seen a significant decline per unit pace of farm land. Animal and poultry farming have not been spared either. This has largely been attributed to poor farming practices, massive soil loss (due to erosion) as well as poor quality of seeds, fertilizers and pesticides. These very concerns have greatly contributed to climate change, exacerbating the problem.
With over 80% of the country’s population being directly or indirectly employed by the agriculture sector, the decline in production explains the high poverty levels that the country experiences.
Our Smart Farming program focus is to support farmers adopt sustainable farming practices that lead to soil restoration and much improved production. Smart farming program is premised on Farming God’s Way (Put link for farming God’s way website-its a free tool with no restrictions) approaches. It is less labor or capital intensive, it is more organic and less costly. Experience has taught us that these approaches will see productivity multiply more than 5 times in the third season of application.
We have developed model farms for training purposes and for farming communities to benchmark. When we find it necessary, farmers are enrolled for capital financing to close the financing gaps that exist especially in the rural communities where we work.
You can partner with us on this endeavor to mitigate the effects of climate change by contacting us on or by donating to support the cause