Despite feeling safe and secure
And having nearly the same access as locals to basic services, more than half of refugees live in grim conditions and endure absolute poverty. Over 55 percent of refugees depend on humanitarian assistance as a source of income. This inability to generate income is constrained by the low levels of human capital with less than 10 percent of refugees having received skills or jobs training. Uganda faces nearly a desperate protracted refugee situation in which refugees find themselves in a long-lasting and intractable state of limbo. Their lives may not be at risk, but their basic rights and essential economic, social and psychological needs remain unfulfilled after years in exile.

A refugee in this situation is often unable to break free from enforced reliance on external assistance. Uganda hosts a large number of refugees caught in protracted situations, unable to return to their countries of origin, sometimes for decades with limited prospects for a durable solution. Some refugees from DR Congo, South Sudan, Somalia, Burundi, Eritrea and Ethiopia have stayed in Uganda hopeless of any chances to return home.
In a situation where
International support is limited, Uganda is faced with a dilemma of responding to the needs of refugees. The nation has responded by restricting refugee rights, encampment, restricting movement and employment. Such an approach is a violation of refugee rights and an abdication of the state from her international obligations. Over 50 percent of refugees are children under the age of 18 years putting a high demand on service delivery. Children need more specialized attention and protection against exploitation, violence and abuse

While there is reported significant increase in access to social basics by both women and children, there is prevalent high school drop-out rates before completion of primary school level, low enrollment at secondary and tertiary levels, high rates of child and teenage pregnancy and other early sex related challenges. This is largely attributed to the high poverty levels and unemployment rates among the refugee communities
The World Bank reported a significant increase
In the number of refugees accessing public services such as health care, clean water, Universal primary Education and electricity among others. The institution however expresses concern over the low levels of employment for refugees in Uganda, their high dependence on humanitarian assistance as a source of income, pockets of discrimination and xenophobic tendencies within the host communities. Human rights abuses and limited access to justice still need to be addressed. Misuse, embezzlement and misappropriation of donor support by government agencies and some humanitarian organizations all hinder the advancement of refugees and migrants.
Refugees Global monitors, evaluates and challenges government and donor programmes to ensure refugees and migrants are not only safe but progress and lead sustainably meaningful lives. We are on ground to represent and advocate for the voiceless men, women and children who made the most difficult decision of their life; move away from home.
Refugees Global follows through any reports (suspected or confirmed) of injustice and where necessary implements projects that will ensure progressive and sustainable well being of refugees and migrants. We believe as Refugees Global that a fair world is possible.
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